Monday, February 14, 2011

Site Context - Group Meeting

Having analysed the notes we took in our brainstorming session, we met once again to talk about certain areas that we concluded would be a suitable place to set up a homeless shelter. By doing this analysis we hope to be able to design our shelter so that it will work in practice.

The two main areas identified (the site context) that we felt our shelter would likely be set up were parks and green space, and the urban environment. Some members of the group went on tour to these areas, and took pictures of areas in these environments that we felt could be used. These areas are:

  • In between bushes (to provide camouflage and protection from environmental elements).
  • Behind park benches.
  • Beside any object to which we could attach the shelter to (e.g. trees, fencing etc).
Urban Environment
  • In alleyways (out of sight, smaller area is less susceptible to wind).
  • Behind large dumpsters/recycling bin/bottle banks.
  • Near objects to which we can easily attach our shelter to (bicycle stands, bollards, fencing).
  • In inlets/crevasses of lane ways etc. (out of site, some environmental cover)

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