Monday, February 21, 2011

Design Brief and Specifications for the homeless shelter

During the begining of this project we had decided that it would be neccesary to form a list of Specifications that would meet the Design brief as well as other specicfications that we thought would be revelant to the a homeless person using the shelter. The specifications include the following:

  1. fireproof
  2. light, portable and compact
  3. easy assembly and dissassembly
  4. Camouflage (to avoid the authority)
  5. insulation to provide thermal comfort bewteen temperatures of -5 < T (Degrees Celcius) < 35
  6. waterproof
  7. water collection system with the ability to collect 5 litres and 2 litres for emergencies
  8. food storage of 5kg.
  9. It should be big enough to allow two people to use the shelter
  10. It should be dark enough inside to allow the users to sleep.
  11. budget needed to be under 100 euro
  12. materials are to be recyclable.

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