Thursday, February 17, 2011

divide and conquer !!! (Week 5)

During this week our group had decided that it would be best to get started on our report as everyone would be busy the coming week with labs.
Since there was a lot of matreial to cover on the report and our group consisted of ten people, we thought that it would be best to split up into to pairs and from there complete the report in pairs whilst communicating with the rest of the group for any advice or information.
The following are the pairs for each topic:

1 Review of iconic and everyday designs for temporary shelters paying attention to form and function

    Conor and

2 Review of the published design processes and methodologies for built environment and products

    Niall and

3 Review of user-centred design and its applicability to this design brief

   Hannah and

4 Review of environmental and sustainability criteria for temporary shelters including recycling and carbon footprint

   Yvonne and

5 Drawings and calculations.

   Ciaran and

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