Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 1

Ok, so the 2e3 project is a go!! As you might guess form the title, the group is a mixture of the first three groups of D so we have ten in the group. The aim of this project is to create a shelter for two homeless people for under €100 which must have various other attributes.
The first order of business during our first meeting was to elect a project leader/chairperson. That chairperson is now Johnnie, with me, Ciarán as the secretary. We also chose Niall  and Stephen to take care of the multimedia part of the project, as we need to submit a Youtube video at the end of this project, and to set-up this blog post and help run it.
After that had been sorted out, we decided that for next week we would all research specific areas in the project. They are materials, the structure and the needs of the homeless person. three people were appointed to each group and they will show the group their research next Friday.
Till then,
See ya,

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